NBSF Project Aral in partnership with DOST R02 distributed notebooks, pencils, erasers, and slippers to selected elementary schools in the Municipality of Bayombong and Dupax Del Norte.
Project Aral is a yearly activity of National Book Store Foundation with an aim to distribute school materials to impoverished areas in the country. It was the first year that it reached Nueva Vizcaya.
This year, the recipients were pupils from selected elementary schools in the municipalities of Dupax Del Norte and Bayombong.
In the municipality of Bayombong, there were a total of 2,077 pupils given a school materials kit with a pair of slipper coming from Labbu Elementary School, Ammoccocan Elementary School, Bansing Elementary School, Magapuy Elementary School, Pawac Elementary School, Vista Hills Elementary School, Lingay Elementary School, Casat Elementary School, Masoc Elementary School, and Paitan Elementary School.
In the municipality of Dupax Del Norte, a total of 1,258 pupils received the school materials kit with a pair of slipper from Nagacay Elementary School, Yabbi Elementary School, New Gumiad Elementary School, Giayan Elementary School, Parai Elementary School, Naruron Elementary School, Belance Elementary School, Binuangan Elementary School, and Mantatta Elementary School.
The distribution of the school kits with a pair of slippers took three days due to distances among elementary schools. The distribution should take four days but due to peace and order situation in Dupax Del Norte, other selected schools in Dupax Del Norte were not reached by the team. School kits were kept in the District Office of DEPEd in Belance, Dupax Del Norte, Nueva Vizcaya, distribution was rescheduled.
The distribution was led by Ma’am Maybelle & Sir Mario of National Book Store Foundation, Inc. and Ms. Rowena Guzman of DOST R02 together with Provincial Science and Technology Center- Nueva Vizcaya project staffs.

The NBSFI staff, having personally met the pupils & visited the area, were encouraged to propose to include Nueva Vizcaya as one of the recipients of their Mini-library project, particularly Labbu Elementary School & Bansing Elementary School of Bayombong.