There are seven (7) municipalities identified to be recipient of RxBox 1000: these are municipalities of Aritao, Kayapa, Ambaguio, Dupax del Norte, Kasibu, Santa Fe and Quezon. These municipalities were the chosen beneficiaries for they were the identified as Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs) in the province.

Prior to the distribution of RxBox 1000, sites validation were conducted to corroborate the qualification of the health facilities. An orientation was conducted to orient Rural Health Unit staff (at least 4; these includes a doctor, a nurse, a midwife and an IT designate) for the operations of the device. Ms. Eva F. Dimog, Regional Training Coordinator for Region 02 conducted the orientation and site validation accompanied by PSTC staff.
RxBox 1000 is a project of DOST in collaboration with the University of the Philippines – Manila – National Telehealth Center (UP-NTHC), University of the Philippines Diliman – College of Engineering, DOST – Advanced Science and Technology Institute, and the Department of Health (DOH). The device is composed of six (6) medical gadget-in-one such as 1) Cardiotocograph (CTG), is a technical means of recording the fetal heartbeat and the uterine contractions during pregnancy, 2) Fetal Heart Rate Monitor that measures the baby’s heart rate while in the womb and can help detect the baby’s difficulty at critical times of the pregnancy and delivery, 3) Electrocardiogram (ECG) that monitors the heart’s movement to pump blood throughout the body and this is helpful for those with acute chronic heart problems, including pregnant mothers with heart disease, 4) Blood Pressure Monitor that measures the patient’s blood pressure and detect heart and blood vessels problems, specially hypertension, a diseased which can also worsen other chronic lifestyle disease conditions, 5) Pulse Oxymeter that assesses the level of oxygen in the patient’s blood and can help detect lung heart problems and 6) Temperature sensor that measures patient’s body temperature & can help detect fever.