By Engr. Jonathan R. Nuestro

Provincial Director, PSTC Nueva Vizcaya


QUEZON, NUEVA VIZCAYA–The essence of Christmas came to a village here as a machine collecting a valued grass’ essence.

An essential-oil extractor breathed vigor into a farmers’ association in Baresbes village, as the Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI) granted the members’ request on Dec.


The Citronella Upland Farmers Association had 7 hectares of citronella grass ready for harvest by the time, waiting to test the new facility.

The citronella’s oil is an insect repellent and an ointment for muscle pains. It can also be used to flavor food and beverage products.

The Department of Science and Technology Regional Office 02 (DOST 02), through the Provincial Science and Technology Center, facilitated the transfer of the technology.


This writer designed the biomass furnaces

The Nueva Vizcaya State University, a DOST 02 partner, held a three-day training on Jan 19-21, to equip the association’s members with the how-tos of oil extraction. The orientation was led by Engr. Francis Mainguy and Alexandrine Denis, Canadian consultants and volunteer assistants.

The association had only to build the facility to shelter the new utilities and, already, the machine as of Feb. 13 extracted 35 liters of citronella oil, priced at P105,000 in the market.

A sample of the oil is already with the Industiral Technology Development Institute’s laboratory, for analyses to better the product.

The association is also planning to purchase proper packaging and labelling materials, and to add the citronella herbal soap to its product list.


“For now, we see this as a means of livelihood in our community,” Barangay Captain Ronie Esquivel said. “We are grateful to DOST 02 for the immediate response to our request”


1-2: The community helped the personnel from the science department in installing the new citronella oil extractor.

3: Canadian industry specialists equipped the Baresbes community with the  know-how to operate the extractor.